“I’m a worlds-bridger, inviting to journey into deeper realms of reality where tangible and invisible worlds interlace.”

Artist, explorer, and wizard of dream, with over 30 years of dedication, Virginie’s path as a Dreamer has been nurtured by deep immersion and teachings in cross-cultural native traditions around the globe and in Robert Moss’ Active Dreaming advanced trainings.

Her art is a reflection of a lifelong exploration of unchartered territories, offering doorways to the worlds-beyond-the-world.

With a unique approach of abstract expressionism, she employs a variety of mediums, including natural pigments, inks, acrylics, and oil paint, crafting multi-layered, transparent and textured experiences that evoke the various densities and depths of matter within a single canvas.

She starts her pieces by listening to nature's stories, whispered by elements, held within the land, rocks, trees, water, animals, and the unseen essence that infuses everything.

In a world often consumed by the material and the tangible, Virginie's evocative work ignites imagination and awareness. Instilling a sense of wonder and hope, her art reminds us of the enduring presence of spirit and the interconnectedness of all things. 

Virginie's art and teachings serves as a bridge between the visible and the unseen. It resonates with those who want to bring more soul into their lives and our world. Her work inspire people to explore new dimensions infusing a sense of endless possibilities, wonder, timelessness, and bliss.




Solo exhibition Quatre Vents - pigments & acrylic paintings - Art gallery Au Temps Qui Passe, Switzerland - 2020

Solo exhibition Rêves de Terre - pigments & ink, paintings - Art gallery Au Temps Qui Passe, Switzerland - 2019

Collective exhibition - pastels -Art’titude-, Switzerland - 2018

Creative Dreaming - 10-day Art of Dreaming retreat, Indonesia

Workshops and conferences on Dreaming in Switzerland, France, Canada, Indonesia, and Australia

Films & screenplays

Little Lady - short film 10’ - adventure/drama - 2022

The Bridge - a 5-part documentary series that explores the relationships between humans and dreaming - in development - 2022

Dreamers - feature - adventure/drama - in development - 2022

Les Enfants de Noé - feature - adaptation of a novel by Jean Joubert - 2007

Plus Près - Screenplay - finalist - best feature - Sopadim, France, 2000


NYFA - New York Film Academy - screenwriting & filmmaking, USA - 2021-2022
Active Dreaming - with Robert Moss, USA, 2014 -2020
FSS - Foundation for shamanic studies, Europe 2008 - 2012
Photography degree - Geneva, Switzerland, 1991 - 1993
Master in Political Sciences - University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1992
Cours Florent - Acting school - Paris, France, 1987-89

